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About Me
Top 10 Things to Know About Me
I am a creative writer and an excellent editor.
I am exceedingly practical, resourceful, and am always learning.
I am picky as heck about some things (like conveying accurate and useful information) and totally lax about others (like making a perfect website).
I am tenacious.
I love dogs, cats, birds and smart, funny, quirky, creative people.
I am currently learning more about Information Architecture, Content Strategy, and UI/UX Design. I'm also a member of the Write the Docs community, where I am discovering tons of great resources and a tribe of like-minded folks.
I spent much of my former career in the book business, managing operations, IT, inventory, people, and projects. Now I just want to create great stuff and stay out of corporate politics.
I like to write technical documentation, content, UI text, and to advocate for making software interfaces easier to use and understand for new users.
I am a fan of the Oxford comma, I know grammar and I know it well enough to break the rules when it suits the context. (See what I did there?)
I am grown up enough to not need hand-holding. Still, a little enthusiasm and encouragement always helps me produce better work.